(852) 3590 9913

CRM Solutions For Manufacturing Industry

  • Providing one-stop business solutions for marketing & sales services to enhance an enterprise’s life journey of marketing, sales and customer service
  • Helping enterprises in the manufacturing industry to realize online business management and digital operation of the whole business chain integrating direct selling and distribution

Four application scenarios and values in manufacturing industry

  • Focusing on the target market to expand open-source channels

    Monitoring the overseas market, defining the key development areas of enterprises, and realizing the integration of direct selling + channel resources through online and offline brand promotion to help cultivate business overseas.

  • Focusing on valuable customers to enhance customer value

    Unified centralized management of customer files, standardized customer information entry, ensuring accurate and detailed data, and assisting in marketing decision-making and expansion of marketing campaigns. Effectively classifying and grading customers and focusing on valuable customers for key customer management and 360°customer profiles.

  • Refining the sales process to improve the conversion rate of business opportunities

    Accumulating sales best practices, standardizing global sales process, and guiding sales business development to improve conversion efficiency; integrating with the back-end system, getting through the whole LTC process, realizing business process perspective, and optimizing resource allocation to enhance conversion and the ordering rate of business opportunities.

  • Empowering channel partners to improve customer satisfaction

    Establishing a channel management system, standardizing the life cycle management of overseas dealer access, sales support, business collaboration, evaluation and analysis; the E-Agent application enables efficient cooperation among customers, markets, sales, services, spare parts, and other businesses for an improved experience and efficiency.

Connect customers - Marketing Activity Management

  • Marketing Activity Management
  • Refined Customer Management
  • Sales Process Management
  • Sales Team Management
  • Channel Partner Management

Online closed-loop management of the whole process of marketing activities

  • Efficient customer acquisition: Empowers overseas targeted advertising operations, overseas official website access and unified UTM identification through overseas multi-channel expansion; a closed-loop management system of market activities.

  • Marketing collaboration: Enhances customer grouping for carrying out precision marketing activities and improves lead quality and conversion efficiency.

  • Data insight: An end-to-end ROI analysis and tracking from leads to revenue.

  • KOC/KOL: Develops overseas high-value customers as recommenders of enterprises continue to bring customers to enterprises.

Connect customers

Online closed-loop management of the whole process of marketing activities

  • Efficient customer acquisition: Empowers overseas targeted advertising operations, overseas official website access and unified UTM identification through overseas multi-channel expansion; a closed-loop management system of market activities.

  • Marketing collaboration: Enhances customer grouping for carrying out precision marketing activities and improves lead quality and conversion efficiency.

  • Data insight: An end-to-end ROI analysis and tracking from leads to revenue.

  • KOC/KOL: Develops overseas high-value customers as recommenders of enterprises continue to bring customers to enterprises.

360° customer management

  • Customer profile: Establishes a customer-centered resource database and creates 360°customer profiles, allowing for the management of customers with multiple organizational levels, multiple addresses, and multiple contacts. Integrates with Dun & Bradstreet to efficiently maintain basic customer information.

  • Customer classification: Implements effective classification and graded management of customers according to the management model.

  • Customer credit: Establishes a customer credit management system to realize customer risk control.

  • Operation map: Provides a database of listed enterprises to identify the customer decision-making chain for all-round competitive product management.

Sales process precision

  • Business opportunity evaluation: Comprehensive, multi-perspective and personalized overseas business opportunity evaluation, assisting the management in making rapid decisions and focusing on key business opportunities.

  • Business opportunity follow-up: Provides complete overseas business opportunity maintenance and management, while maintaining business opportunities for potential and trading customers and managing business opportunity evaluation, business opportunity stage, quotation, contract, order, and payment collection.

  • Quotation management: Provides multi-currency and multi-version quotations and gives CPQ options.

  • Business strategy: Provides management of saleable range, promotion rules, rebate, etc.

  • Performance forecast: Sales target, sales forecast, and sales pipeline.

Connecting employee cooperation

  • Sales behavior visualization: Standardizes the behavior of salespersons through salesperson real-time positioning and check-ins for off-site work. The sales supervisor understands the work of the sales team in real-time and provides guidance to improve team cooperation and productivity.

  • Empowering sales team: Alerts and reminds key notes in the sales process to ensure that each business opportunity can be followed up timely and effectively. Empowers the sales team to improve team efficiency.

  • Team cooperation: Enables effective cooperation with pre-sales, sales, R&D, business and other departments to quickly classify and communicate projects or business opportunities in time and generates work plans and to-do items in one step to promote the whole process of multi-business links.

Connecting channels to empower partners

  • Channel development: Improves the management of recruitment, access, marketing, sales, delivery, service, assessment and exit mechanism of overseas channels at all levels and creates classified and graded management of channel providers according to performance objectives and transaction results.

  • Enterprise interconnection: Allows for conducting online business between enterprises and channels, opens up the data connection between the enterprise's internal system and external channels through the connection ability, and assists the enterprise with improving its cooperation efficiency.

  • Channel empowerment: The business opportunity follow-up process of overseas direct channel integration empowers channel partners through asymmetric communication, online ordering, data sharing, online training, and other forms to develop in coordination with channel partners.

Testimonials from customers

”With the help of Sharecrm, Dymind has upgraded from traditional services to remote, interconnected, and intelligent services. Our customer service response efficiency has improved, with the number of maintenance units per capita increasing by 60%, savings in agent service fees of 37%, and spare parts inventory reduced to 49%. Connectivity has allowed for an ecological and integrated operation and management ecological chain, and customer connectivity has empowered us to achieve steady growth in value.“

Wu Hongmin, vice president of dymind biotechnology

“We trust Sharecrm on the merits of its professionalism. XAG has always been very firm in recognizing the value of the digital empowering business and advocating for the pursuit of ultimate business efficiency. For XAG's strategic implementation and business operation, the advanced CRM customer management system is very significant. We have awarded XAG’s CRM construction contract to Sharecrm based on our belief in the professionalism and service of the Sharecrm team and the PaaS ability of Sharecrm products. As innovators and fast growers in their respective fields, XAG and Sharecrm, inspired by their distinctive values and sense of mission. Let’s build XAG into a digital benchmark of smart agriculture by working together!”

Xu Lianyun, senior vice president of XAG

“MULI already has a mature management system, but it achieved that through offline pioneering practices. After getting in touch with Sharecrm, we found that its system can optimize our system and support our perfect “transformation”. Through the investment of thinking + tools + execution, from the early stage of customer acquisition to the later stage of delivery, MULI has left behind its 30 tables to manage its operations and entered an era of large-scale, digital, standardized and professional management.“

General manager of MULI shanghai branch

Let's connect our businesses to drive performance growth